Saturday 17 November 2012


You normally know who you are talking to and, of course there are all those handy little signs to indicate that your audience is still awake, in agreement, breathing etc. and so it may be deemed a good plan to continue.

Now for something completely different. It may well be that I will be writing to myself for quite some time and, whilst this would prove to be a very appreciative audience, eventually I must suppose that somebody will trip over my utterings.

To this end I am hiding behind the above name and, furthermore I have every intention of fabricating just a smidgeon of the content in order to protect the innocent. My friends and family may wish to make contact and claim association with any number of posts but until that time my lips will be sealed and by devious mixing up of character traits absolutely nobody will really exist.

Starting a blog at the age of 63 may indicate vast life experience. It does not guarantee that many lessons have been learned but it certainly gives rise to many questions.

So many of the folks that I'd like to blether about are dead. I have every confidence that they would be tickled pink to be included in this new venture and as I'm the only person to remember quite a few of them this will act as a remembrance. In time some of my own story is bound to emerge and you have my permission to laugh, weep or disbelieve at will.